Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium Funding?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided to schools in England to support disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. It's designed to target extra resources towards students who are considered to be at a higher risk of underperforming academically due to factors like low family income or being in care.

What is it for?

In a primary school setting, this funding should be spent in ways that are most likely to improve the educational outcomes of the disadvantaged pupils it's intended to support. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) provides research-based guidance to help schools make informed decisions on how to use this funding effectively.

What strategies do we use in our school?

Improving Teaching Quality: At our school, we invest in the professional development of our teachers, recognizing that high-quality teaching benefits all students, especially the disadvantaged.

Targeted Academic Support: We implement structured interventions, such as one-to-one tutoring and small group tuition, specifically for pupils who need additional academic support.

Whole-School Strategies for Non-Academic Barriers: We address non-academic barriers to learning, including attendance, behavior, and social and emotional support, to create a conducive learning environment for all students.

Early Years Intervention: Our focus includes improving outcomes in the early years, understanding that early intervention can have significant long-term benefits.

Use of Evidence: We make decisions based on solid evidence and data, employing evidence-based approaches and regularly monitoring their impact to ensure effectiveness.

Parental Engagement: We actively engage with parents and carers to support learning at home, knowing that parental involvement can significantly impact a child's academic success.

Effective Use of Technology: In our school, technology is used to support teaching and learning, ensuring it serves as a tool to enhance education rather than just an end in itself.

Extending School Time: We consider extending school time for targeted academic support or enrichment activities that broaden our pupils' experiences and learning opportunities.

Through these strategies, we aim to reduce the attainment gap between our disadvantaged pupils and their peers, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Parent Guide to Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Pupil Premium Expenses Policy