Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

Our PSHE curriculum is designed to support the development of the whole child, fostering positive relationships, promoting emotional wellbeing, and preparing our pupils for their future lives. It equips children and young people to live happier and healthier lives, giving them agency to make their way through the world.

 PSHE is integrated into the broader life of the school, ensuring that learning is not only confined to specific lessons. We incorporate PSHE concepts and skills into various aspects of school life, such as assemblies, sports council, forest school and a wide array of extracurricular activities. Through this whole-school approach, we reinforce the relevance and significance of PSHE across different contexts, reinforcing its importance in everyday life.

We place great emphasis on fostering strong partnerships with parents and the wider community to support pupils’ PSHE learning. We actively seek parental involvement through workshops, information sessions, and parent forums on relevant PSHE topics. We also collaborate with external agencies, such as local health professionals and community organisations, to enhance the breadth and depth of our PSHE provision. Through this approach, we ensure a collaborative and cohesive approach to PSHE education both within and beyond the school.

Our PSHE curriculum has a demonstrable impact on pupil outcomes, fostering personal and social development, positive mental health, and emotional wellbeing. Pupils develop a deep understanding of themselves and others, as well as the skills to navigate relationships, manage emotions, and make informed decisions. We see evidence of improved self-confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging among our pupils. As a result, they demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning, show empathy and respect for others, and develop the necessary life skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Through our outstanding PSHE provision, we create a nurturing, inclusive, and empowering environment that enables our pupils to flourish and become well-rounded citizens equipped for life. For further information about the curriculum overview please take a look at our PSHE long term plan.

For further information about the curriculum overview please take a look at our PSHE long term plan.

PSHE Long Term Plan